class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Generalized additive latent and mixed models ### Øystein Sørensen ### Center for Lifespan Changes in Brain and CognitionUniversity of Oslo ### CMStatistics 2021 --- class: inverse, middle, center # Introduction --- # Latent Variable Models In psychology and social science, you often have multiple observations measuring a latent trait of interest, e.g. - Cognitive abilities follow from responses to different tests. - Attitudes defined by survey responses. Classical tools include factor analysis, item response theory, and structural equation models. ... which are often pretty restrictive - Parametric - Require balanced longitudinal data - Don't easily allow covariates and multilevel data --- # Motivating Example California verbal learning test of **episodic memory**. - Five trials at a single test session. - Latent episodic memory seems to depend smoothly (nonlinearly) on age. - Both between- and within-session learning effect - Irregular time intervals <center> <img src="figures/cvlt_sample_plot.png", width=700> </center> --- class: inverse, middle, center # Generalized Additive Latent and Mixed Models --- # General Framework - A combination of generalized additive mixed models<sup>1</sup> and generalized linear latent and mixed models<sup>2</sup>. <center> semiparametric + latent </center> -- - Multilevel models with components varying at `\(L\)` levels. `\(\boldsymbol{\eta}^{(l)}\)` denotes a vector of latent variables (random effects) varying at level `\(l\)`, and the vector of all latent variables belonging to a given level-2 unit is `$$\boldsymbol{\eta}_{j} = \begin{bmatrix} \boldsymbol{\eta}_{jk\dots z}^{(2)}{}^{'}, \boldsymbol{\eta}_{k\dots z}^{(3)}{}^{'}, \dots, \boldsymbol{\eta}_{z}^{(L)}{}^{'} \end{bmatrix}'$$` .footnote[[1] For an introduction, see [Wood (2017), Generalized Additive Models](<br> [2] [Skrondal and Rabe-Hesketh (2004), Generalized Latent Variable Modeling](] --- # Part 1: Response Distribution Elementary units of observation distributed according to an exponential family. `$$f\left(y_{i} | \theta_{i}, \phi\right) = \exp\left\{\frac{y_{i}\theta_{i} - b\left(\theta_{i}\right)}{\phi} + c\left(y_{i}, \phi\right) \right\}$$` - All responses are stacked in the vector `\(\mathbf{y} = (y_{1}, y_{2}, \dots, y_{n})'\)`. - Responses can be of mixed type. --- # Part 2: Measurement Model `$$g\left\{E(y_{i})\right\} = \nu_{i} = \sum_{s=1}^{S} f_{s}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right) + \sum_{l=2}^{L}\sum_{m=1}^{M_{l}} \eta_{m}^{(l)} \mathbf{z}^{(l)}_{mi}{}^{'}\boldsymbol{\lambda}_{m}^{(l)}$$` - Hierarchical model with `\(L\)` levels. Each level `\(l\)` has `\(M_{l}\)` latent variables. Factor loadings `\(\boldsymbol{\lambda}_{m}^{(l)}\)` link the latent variables `\(\eta_{m}^{(l)}\)` to the observed measurements `\(y_{i}\)`. - Related to confirmatory factor analysis: `\(\mathbf{y} = \boldsymbol{\Lambda}\boldsymbol{\eta}\)`. Smooth functions `\(f_{s}(\cdot)\)`, e.g., `$$f_{s}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right) = \sum_{k=1}^{B_{s}} \omega_{ks} b_{ks}\left(\mathbf{x}_{i}\right), ~ s=1, \dots, S.$$` with weights `\(\omega_{ks}\)` constrained by some smoothing penalty. --- # Part 3: Structural Model Structural model `$$\boldsymbol{\eta}_{j} = \mathbf{B}\boldsymbol{\eta}_{j} + \mathbf{h}\left(\mathbf{w}_{j}\right)+ \boldsymbol{\zeta}_{j}$$` - `\(\mathbf{B}\)` contains regression coefficients between latent variables. - `\(\mathbf{h}\left(\mathbf{w}_{j}\right)\)` are smooth functions describing how the latent variables depend on explanatory variables. - Related to structural equation models: `\(\boldsymbol{\eta} = \mathbf{B}\boldsymbol{\eta} +\boldsymbol{\Gamma}\mathbf{w}+ \boldsymbol{\zeta}\)`. --- # Mixed Model Representation - Through a series of transformations, we show that GALAMMs with `\(L\)` levels are equivalent to nonlinear mixed models with `\(L+1\)` levels, with linear predictor `$$\nu = f\left(X, \beta\right) + Z\left(\beta\right) \eta, ~~~ \eta \sim N(0, \Psi)$$` - Importantly, the mixed model representation does the spline smoothing<sup>1</sup>. - Can fit it with a profile likelihood approach, utilizing efficient mixed model software (`lme4`/`nlme`)<sup>2</sup>. - We use this to derive asymptotic covariance matrices for all functions and parameters. .footnote[[1] Following [Kimeldorf and Wahba (1970)]( [2] Using an algorithm proposed in [Jeon and Rabe-Hesketh (2012)]( ] --- class: inverse, middle, center # Applications --- # Episodic Memory ![](figures/cvlt_sample_plot.png) --- # Episodic Memory Measurement model for elementary unit `\(i\)`: `$$\nu_{i} = \underbrace{\mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\beta}_{t}}_{\text{test version}} + \underbrace{d_{ri}\beta_{r}}_{\text{retest effect}} + \underbrace{\mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\lambda}}_{\text{factor loading}}\sum_{l=2}^{3} \underbrace{\eta^{(l)}}_{\text{latent level}}$$` In words: - Linear predictor for the probability of answering correctly on the test is a function of some covariates as well as the true latent level of episodic memory. --- # Episodic Memory Structural model for level-2 unit `\(j\)`: `$$\boldsymbol{\eta}_{j} = \begin{bmatrix} \eta_{jk}^{(2)} \\ \eta_{k}^{(3)} \end{bmatrix} = \underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix} h\left(w_{jk}\right) \\ 0 \end{bmatrix} }_{\text{smooth fun. of age}} + \underbrace{ \begin{bmatrix} \zeta_{jk}^{(2)} \\ \zeta_{k}^{(3)} \end{bmatrix}}_{\text{random intercepts}}$$` For a given participant: - `\(\eta_{jk}^{(2)}\)` is the latent level of episodic memory at a given timepoint. - `\(\eta_{k}^{(3)}\)` is the random intercept of episodic memory across timepoints. - `\(h(w_{jk})\)` subject to penalty `\(\gamma \int \{h''(u)\}^{2} \text{d}u\)` --- # Episodic Memory Reduced form model `$$\nu_{i} = \mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\beta}_{t} + d_{ri}\beta_{r} + h\left(w_{jk}\right) \mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\lambda} + \zeta_{jk}^{(2)}\mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\lambda} + \zeta_{k}^{(3)} \mathbf{d}_{ti}'\boldsymbol{\lambda}$$` is actually a logistic nonlinear mixed model with 4 hierarchical levels. --- # Episodic Memory Some results, based on 3470 timepoints for 1850 participants between 6 and 93 years of age. .pull-left[ <h3>Item response curves</h3> ![](figures/cvlt_irc.png) ] .pull-right[ <h3>Lifespan trajectory</h3> ![](figures/univariate_cvlt_smooth.png) ] --- # Episodic and Working Memory Multivariate questions are more interesting: - How is change in cognitive performance correlated across cognitive domains? -- We extended the previous model to a factor-by-curve model, with some items measuring working memory and others measuring episodic memory. - Math is in the paper. --- # Episodic and Working Memory Density plot (right) obtained with empirical Bayes posterior sampling. ![](figures/cvlt_dspan_figure.png) The estimated correlation between random intercepts was 0.41. Hence, people's episodic memory and working memory are positively correlated. --- class: inverse, middle, center # Another Application --- # Socioeconomic Status and Hippocampus - Hippocampus: important brain region. One of the to be damaged in Alzheimer's disease. - Has been suggested that low socioeconomic status is bad for development of the hippocampus, and hence is a risk factor for dementia. .pull-left[ ![](figures/mri_scanner.jpg) ] .pull-right[ ![](figures/aseg.jpg) ] --- # Socioeconomic Status and Hippocampus Data from 4196 MRI scans of 1886 participants. <center> <img src="figures/hippocampus_plot.png", width=400> </center> --- # Socioeconomic Status and Hippocampus - We defined socioeconomic status (SES) as a latent variable measured by income and education level. For children: parents' education and income. - Latent covariate model, with response `\(y_{i}\)` constructed by stacking income, education, and hippocampal volume: `$$y_{i} = \mathbf{d}_{\text{s},i}'\boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text{s}} + d_{h,i}\left\{ \mathbf{x}_{\text{h},i}' \boldsymbol{\beta}_{\text{h}} + f\left(a_{i}\right)\right\} + \eta_{1}^{(2)} \mathbf{z}_{i}' \boldsymbol{\lambda} + d_{\text{h},i} \eta_{2}^{(2)} + \epsilon_{i}$$` Research question: - How does socioeconomic status `\(\eta_{1}^{(2)}\)` interact with the lifespan hippocampal trajectory `\(f(a_{i})\)`? -- - Conditional effect of age given socioeconomic status `\(\eta_{1}^{(2)}\)` is `$$f(a_{i}) + \eta_{1}^{(2)}\left(\lambda_{7} + \lambda_{8}a_{i}\right)$$` --- # Socioeconomic Status and Hippocampus Conclusion: - 95% CIs for both the offset effect and the interaction effect contained zero. Hence, not much evidence for an effect of socioeconomic status on hippocampal volume in these data. <center> <img src="figures/ses_smooth.png" width = 500> </center> --- # Computation - Profile likelihood algorithm used here is convenient, but does not scale very well, and also relies on Laplace approximation through the use of `lme4`. - When the grouping structure is strictly hierarchical, it is possible to integrate out the latent variables from the likelihood function using adaptive quadrature rules<sup>1</sup>. -- Marginal log-likelihood is a nested integral `$$l(\theta) = \int \exp\{-\|\boldsymbol{\eta}^{(L)}\|^{2}\} \dots \int\exp\{-\|\boldsymbol{\eta}^{(2)}\|^{2}\} \\ \sum\log f(\theta | \boldsymbol{\eta}^{(2)},\dots, \boldsymbol{\eta}^{(L)}) \text{d}\boldsymbol{\eta}^{(2)} \dots \text{d}\boldsymbol{\eta}^{(L)}$$` Finding `\(\hat{\theta} = \text{argmax}\{l(\theta)\}\)` requires high-dimensional integration at each step of the optimization algorithm. .footnote[[1] [Rabe-Hesketh, Skrondal, and Pickles (2005)](, [Pinheiro and Chao (2006)](] --- # Computation - Work in progress ### Idea - Formulate adaptive quadrature integration as a series of sparse matrix operations. - The number of smoothing parameters is typically high `\((\geq 10)\)`; Cartesian product quadrature intractable. Interesting alternative: Scalable spherical cubature rules growing quadratically in the dimension<sup>1</sup>. ### Status - Works well with two-level models, but this nothing new. R package `GLMMadaptive` offers this already. - Scalable extension to `\(L>2\)` requires indicator matrices mapping latent variables at different levels, which is a bit tricky. .footnote[[1] [Lu and Darmofal (2004)](] --- class: inverse, middle, center # Summary --- # Summary - Generalized additive latent and mixed models allow multilevel latent variable modeling when the latent variables depend smoothly on one or more observed covariates. - R package: - Extensive simulations suggest that estimates are close to unbiased and asymptotic covariance matrices are accurate with moderate sample sizes. ### Preprint Sørensen, Ø., Fjell, A. M., & Walhovd, K. B. (2021). <i>Longitudinal modeling of age-dependent latent traits with generalized additive latent and mixed models</i>. ArXiv:2105.02488 [Stat]. --- class: center, middle # Thanks! These slides are available at Created via the R package [xaringan](